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Liberty Pediatrics on Facebook: We post updates on the latest research looking into ways to keep kids healthy and happy.
HealthyChildren.org is the American Academy of Pediatrics's site with information on children's health and wellness, development, immunizations, and more.
The Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has many resources on immunizations, including a long list of the dozens of studies that have proven immunizations to be safe.
Vaccine Information Statements The official CDC and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services statements for all vaccines given in Michigan are available here.
Seatcheck.org is from the National Highway Transportation Safety Agency, and in the third paragraph down gives sites that check car seats locally, a good idea to have done before a baby is born.
The CDC travel site has information about destinations around the world. We will use this site to help determine precautions to consider and immunizations needed before international travel.
Michiganpreschool.org is a resource for free preschool. Applications are by county of residence and based on income.
WIC is a health and nutrition program with demonstrated positive effects on pregnancy outcomes and child growth and development.
Scarleteen.com is a resource with complete and comprehensive information about sexuality and sexual health for teens and young adults. Other great teen sites: https://youngwomenshealth.org/ and https://youngmenshealthsite.org/
The Choosing Wisely campaign has great information on the use of antibiotics for upper respiratory infections, ear infections, and pinkeye.
The Poo In You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgBj7Mc_4sc is a great video explaining constipation and its treatment.
One of our favorite lactation consultants in town, Amy Slotten, has collected a group of videos to help with nursing. Check it out here.
The Detroit Perinatal Wellness Coalition has a list of resources for the postpartum time period at https://detroitperinatalwellness.org/. Just click "Find Help Here" then select your county and search.
We hope your child will never have to learn how to swallow pills, but in case they need to, here's a great resource for teaching them: http://research4kids.ucalgary.ca/pillswallowing
This site has great info about child safety: https://www.consumernotice.org/products/child-safety/
Ann Arbor Public Schools has a great resource page with information and links to find therapists for children with mental health needs: https://www.a2schools.org/Page/18286
Here is the MHSAA sports form for participation in high school sports: https://www.mhsaa.com/sites/default/files/2022-06/physical2page.pdf